Monday, March 28, 2011

Death, do be proud!


I am kinda humbled.

A little jittery

with a faint smile

and a shocked emoticon!

For you came knocking.

You rang the doorbell

and like an impish child,

ran away before I could answer.

You dirty tease!

I know where this is coming from.

I've teased you enough too;

mocked and poked.

And you never listened.

But you did hear.

I know now.

A slight pinch to say

"Preview of upcoming attraction, kiddo"!!!

Charmed! Thanks.

Saved! Thanks.

Still breathing! Almost thanks.

Next time, give me prior notice.

Got some packing to do.

And when you do knock

don't run away.

Wait, and let us flee together!


All things immortal and Biprorshee


Bhaskarville said...

This is crazy son! Loved it!

Noodle said...


Biprorshee said...

Whistle again! Who are we whistling at?